Monday, March 18, 2013


I don't know how parents do it with multiple children. So many activities, I guess the only way you can do it is divide and conquer. Two weekends ago, freezing as it was, Adam had a tournament on the south side of Houston, which meant, I could spend some quality time watching them play.

This is a picture of Madison's socks. She does not like them.  No one on the team likes the socks except the coach. Of course the coach is a man and also the one who picked it out for the team. So what does Co Thu tell Madison? I said, " Oh no Madison, they are adorable, just like a peppermint stick."  INSERT FOOT... Chi Trang was laughing and shaking her head, trying to stop me but I said too loud and fast. (Of course, it would be me) That was Madison's whole point... She just turned 10 and was telling me that these socks were for more like 8 yr olds. Ahhhh, yes, the crisis of a ten year old being mistaken for an eight year old...I get it now....
This is Adam taking a break on the slides and having one on one time with me...He is such a sweetheart. Chi Trang and Anh Vinny were resting in the cars while we were just hanging. Adam tells me, he likes the idea of growing up and loved the idea that he no longer goes to the same school with his mom. I was a little shocked he said that, and happy I dared asked the question, "Why Adam?" To which he replied, "So many eyes watching you and telling on me to my mom." Of course I said, but I never hear your mom say anything bad about you. Adam says, "She just smiles at the teacher but doesn't get mad at me. But I don't like it that they think the got me introuble."
Cool Mom, you got there Adam.

These two really do watch out for one another. This year, their teams are the same color and the both have practically the same #.
Of course, Adam doesn't have those socks..Thank Heaven...

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