Oh so very MESSY...Ugggg, as if I need all those files on my desk, at the same time...But people keep bringing it to me;-(
I took this picture to remind me how the flowers die and bloom, all in the same vase and of course how pretty flowers can make me smile .... yet all I can see is how this office is so cluttered. Errrrrrrrrrrrrr...No wonder I just want to run away from my desk.
Been working too much guys...Oh shoot, the whole point of this blog was to ramble on about how boring my blog may be. I wished I had great things to share, but I don't. I however, in my very own sweet head of mine, do blog some very cleverly written blogs...BUT when it comes time to it..I don't have time! So I then write down the bare basics and grimace at what I wrote and say, "Oh well, better than nothing..."
BUT is it reallY? I stumble across other blogs that I envy or even laugh out loud. I say to myself, hmmm, that should be me...But oh dear me, it isn't Boo....Well, breaks over, gotta tend to the paper work hell I have created for myself...
To all those people I love and those strangers I don't know, keep blogging..You may never know who you just made curious, smile or say...WTF???
I love the picture, Chi Thu! The gorgeous flower bouquet in the midst of busyness. =) Finding beauty in the midst of the mundane. Great photo! ~ Lilly :)