Thursday, May 26, 2011

RAIN !!!

I need the rain.
I love it when it rains.
I need it to rain.

The lawn needs it to rain.
I need it to rain.

My allergies are insane!
The rain helps wash it away.
None of this makes sense, unless you have to deal with the
sinus issues.

I have a sinus infection.
It feels so bad.
My mind leads to think about other options.
Perhaps headless Marie Antoinette isn't such a bad option.

I need it to rain.
It will calm me down, among other things.

On a funny note, does anyone recall Chi Tram singing the song, "Singing in the Rain" to a very young David.
It would be outside in the Scarsdale garage.
Everytime she sang that song, it would make David tear up.

Is this a false memory I have?

Anyways, I decided I will be a better christian. Why ?
If it is this hot in Texas, imagine hot friggin hot it will be in HELL!?!?!
Yeah, I am going to follow Mom's path.
Heaven, I am gonna knock on your door when the time comes

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