Monday, September 24, 2012

ROM COM Panic #3

Ok, I couldn't plan this or fake this...but here it goes...

After the first two panic crisis of GUY not calling when he should...Susie runs and tells sister Lizabeth about her Bridget Jones moments. Sister tells her to calm down and not jump into conclusions. Oh who the heck is lying, multiple sisters tell her to CALM down...

A little over a month of dating and two panic-crisis mode situation controlled with no major damages....
The third one arises...

Sunday afternoon, speaks to GUY and he is still hanging out with his two young boys(sons). It's his weekend to have them.
OK by GIRL since tonight is the big Emmy's night.Gotta watch her telly.
They chit chat and go about their afternoon..

Girl is dealing with a water leak from A/C doesn't realize its almost time for the Emmy's.
Once Emmy's is over, GIRL relaizes GUY hasn't called to say good night...How odd...
GIRL thinks about calling but it's now ten..The boys are asleep so she opts to just wait til tomorrow.

It's 7:30am and no call or text yet from GUY...Hmmmm......
It's 8:30 am....No call....or text...
Remembering sisters' advice, to not over-re-act...Heads into work...
By 10:30 am GIRL tells her bestfriend and co-worker...Ahhhhhhhhh, it's over...laughing but freaking out that he hasn't called her.Yes, why doesn't she call him. Well, because she needs to know why he hasn't called her? How high school is that?.
Bestfriend takes her to lunch but tells her to leave phone behind...GIRL takes this advice...

Has a great lunch, comes back to the office and finds out she missed GUY's call and checks her text msg....
I am so sorry that he is in the hospital but thank goodness it was a great excuse...
I am so so so so glad I didn't even call him and leave a nasty message of his whereabouts...Like the last time...
Bridget Jones moment averted, once again!
Thank GOD for sisters' advices!!!

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