Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bravo Bourdain

Saw him last night at Jones Hall.
He is a fantastic speaker.
Believe it or not, he seems more like a motivational speaker.
It was him, a podium & one beer, on stage.
He talked for about an hour and took questions for about twenty minutes.

He wasn't shy about confessing to his mistakes and so very humble about his love for travel and the Vietnamese people.

He is mentioned he ate at Mai's in the past and was presented a Durian fruit. He said it cleared the whole restaurant of patrons. hahahaha

He was trying to send out a message of how parents should be parents and that to enjoy life, one should venture out of their comfort zone (food and travel). He stressed that we should be very humble to the gestures of the native people. Pictures are of Anthony Bourdain in Viet Nam.

To be cont...

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